
Vista’s Children’s & Young Persons Team has been involved with Brad since 2014, having also supported his sister previously.

Brad was registered as sight impaired with Vista at the age of 14 which he found difficult. After his registration, Brad was finding the outdoors hard to navigate and we were there to help. He met with a habilitation officer over several weeks, and they showed him landmarking, how to navigate crossing the roads, and how to use a cane effectively. There have also been many opportunities for Brad and his family to attend Vista events and activities, meeting fellow families and new friends along the way.

Brad’s mum says “Vista has been there every step from that first appointment at the Low Vision Clinic. Vista’s Habilitation officer helped Brad with long cane training as he was finding outdoors hard to navigate. Throughout his education journey Vista has been there to support with valuable information on technology. 
"Brad has pursued a career in Finance and is in full time employment.  Brad is now registered as severely sight impaired but whilst this is impactive, we as a family are not lost or lonely because we know we can call Vista for advice and support, and they are there for us”.

Last year Vista supported over 500 children and young people across the region. Please help Vista support other children like Brad to fulfil their potential, build confidence and achieve their aspirations.  

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