Corporate Partnerships

Vista is proud to work in partnership with local businesses to support children and adults with sight or dual sensory loss across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland.  

Whatever the size of your organisation, our Fundraising team will work with you to create a partnership tailored to your business. Whether you want to take part in fundraising activities, volunteer your time or donate through sponsorship, matched donations or payroll giving, we will work with you to develop the perfect package.

Ways to get involved:

  • Charity of the year – Choosing Vista as your chosen charity partner is a great way to focus charitable efforts and encourage staff, customers and clients to work together. We can help you to organise a programme of fundraising activities and publicity to maximise your benefits.

  • Organise an event - Run, walk, hike, cycle or even skydive for Vista, or hold a dinner, dance, ball or quiz night for colleagues, family and friends.

  • Corporate challenges – Corporate challenges are a fantastic way to encourage team building, networking and getting your colleagues involved in a charity partnership. We could help you to organise an overseas trek or enter a team into a UK challenge, raising funds for Vista.

  • Staff volunteering – Donate your time and help out with activities like bucket collections, marshalling events, or even working in the gardens at our residential homes. 

  • Cause-related marketing – This is a great way for your company to boost sales while also giving back. For example, why not donate something to Vista for every new customer you receive? 

  • Staff fundraising – There are so many great ways to fundraise in or out of the office, including raffles, auctions, dress down days, sports event, coffee mornings, and cake sales. 

  • Payroll giving – Payroll giving is one of the easiest ways for employees to give regularly to Vista, plus it’s both flexible and tax efficient. Employees can give as much or as little as they like, and because the donation is taken from their pay before tax, it actually costs them less.

  • Matched donations – If staff raise money for Vista, your company could consider matching what they make. 

For more information please download our corporate partnerships pack:

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