Meet Up - Beaumont Leys
Join us and meet with others affected by sight loss for a chat along with a cup of tea
Vista is Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland's leading charity for people with sight loss
Showing events from June 2024
Join us and meet with others affected by sight loss for a chat along with a cup of tea
CANCELLED - Due to unforeseen circumstances it is with regret that we have had to cancel the following event. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Come and meet with others for a chat at the Cafe at The Salvation Army
Join us for a Bowls taster session more about the wonderful game of Bowls with the Leicester visually impaired Bowls club.
An informal Member Forum meeting on Zoom.
Come and meet with others for a chat along with a cup of tea or coffee
Come and meet with others for a chat at Chapel Café in the City Centre