Café Meet Up - Hinckley

  • Date
  • Time -
  • Location St Mary's Church, Church Walk, Hinckley LE10 1DW
  • Category Meet Ups

Come and meet with others for a chat at the Cafe at St Mary's Church.  

We’ve got a small area booked on the ground floor so Vista members can meet, buy a tea or coffee and have a chat. 

This session is overseen by Vanisha and from time to time, volunteers will assist,   who will make introductions and make everyone welcome, whether you know others already or not. You are welcome to come to all or some of the session. Please book below or by calling Vanisha on 07715078811 so we know who’s coming in advance. 

Book now or find out about transport options below:

Getting to the Cafe

The Café is situated in St Mary's Church, Church Walk, Hinckley LE10 1DW

Although Vista aren’t able to offer transport, we can advise on options and assist you in getting the information you need. 

Transport Options

Community Transport:

Hinckley and Bosworth Community Transport

This charity provides transport services for people living in Hinckley and Bosworth. To find out how to access dial-a-ride services call 01455 250462. If you require support registering call Vanisha on 07715078811.

Taxi services

Many of our members will be in receipt of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance to support with getting around. If you are unfamiliar with booking taxi’s and would like information of services in your area please contact Vanisha on 07715078811.

Train and bus travel

Fox Connect operates in the area, which is an on demand bus service connecting rural areas. Either down load their app or make bookings by calling 0116 2165555. Find out more here

Find bus routes to Hinckley town center here.

Hinckley train station is a 0.4 mile walk from St Mary's Church, straight down Station Road and then right on Church Walk. 

If you’d like advise on your transport options please call Vanisha on 07715078811.

If you are interested in attending Café Meet Ups but cannot attend this session, please contact Vanisha on 07715078811 or email to find out more. 

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