Government halt ‘Dangerous’ Shared Space Schemes
The government has announced the recommendation that local authorities pause the development of shared space schemes, as they are a danger to those with sight loss.
Vista has played a role in supporting any initiatives regarding Shared Spaces issues. We’ve worked with the National Federation for the Blind and we recently met with Leicester Disabled Peoples Access Group, to discuss this and other hurdles and barriers faced by people living with sight loss and other disabilities.

Stephen Payne, Vista’s Operations Manager, recently accompanied a group of campaigners with sight loss on the 24th April 2018 to hand in a signed petition to Number 10 Downing Street calling for positive action on shared spaces.
Our rehabilitation officers regularly attend meetings and offer
advice relating to people living with sight loss about transport issues and
orientation within the city and we also work closely with the Vista Forum group
who again have a voice within the city, commenting on access issues and how
these may be remedied or improved.