Leicester City Council - Joint Health and Social Care Learning Disability Strategy
The Leicester City Council is carrying out a statutory consultation exercise to improve services for people with a learning disability..
If you would like to take part in the consultation or would like some more information please click the link below to complete their survey
The consultation will take place from 30th January to 23rd April 2019.
If you would like this in another format please email ASCconsultations@leicester.gov.uk
For more information please contact: 0116 454 4400
The Council have also arranged a specific session for providers to ask questions and make comments on the strategy face to face, if you would wish to do so.
The session is on 27th March 2pm to 4pm at the City Hall Presentation suite.
Any providers wishing to take this up will need to email to book a place(s) (please specify numbers) sending a message to:
caas.ld-mh@leicester.gov.ukh to do so.