Leicestershire County Council Consultation
Leicestershire County Council’s vision is that young people with SEND in Leicestershire are prepared for a successful adulthood and their voice is heard.
From our previous engagement with families and carers, we know we need to improve the information and advice around preparing for adulthood. We call the move from Children’s services to Adult Social Care, Transitions. This work is part of our action plan under the preparing for adulthood programme.
We want young people and their families to tell us their experiences around information and advice for example:
- what you need to know and when
- what was useful and helpful
- what isn’t helpful or didn’t work
- what worked well for you on your journey to adulthood.
From what you tell us, we can identify gaps in our information and advice offer and share what may be available already. We’ll need your support to tell us what improvements or changes are needed for example:
- making the information easier to understand or
- creating new information using different formats eg videos.
We have prepared a short questionnaire to help us start our conversation with you. You can complete the online questionnaire or you can ask us for a paper copy that you can print out or an easy read version. Just tell us what’s best for you by calling 0116 305 0232 or emailing us at ASCengage@leics.gov.uk. Please share this email with other people who you think may be interested in this work. If you are a young person and want to complete the questionnaire but need some support to do it, ask someone you know to help you.
We’d like you to complete and return the questionnaire to us by Monday 8 July but if you can’t, just send it back to us as soon as you can.
What happens next?
A workshop event will be held on Wednesday 31 July 2019 at County Hall from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm when we will talk about the responses we have received and share ideas. We can only accommodate around 30 people so if you’d like to attend the workshop, please call 0116 305 0232 or email us at ASCengage@leics.gov.uk to book a place. Travel expenses will be reimbursed. Please note that this workshop is only open to young people and their families who have been or are preparing for adulthood or, those who will be preparing for adulthood in the future. If you are a young person and need help you get your voice heard, you can bring someone with you to help you.
After the workshop, we will form a small working group to develop the information and advice you think is needed. We’ll expect the working group to share the work with the people or groups they already meet with or are connected to.
You can still be involved in this work even if you can’t attend the workshop or don’t want to complete the questionnaire, just let us know on 0116 305 0232 or email us at ASCengage@leics.gov.uk.