Looking back at 2020 at Vista, a year like no other! (Part 2)
We launched Vista’s online hub
The hub has been designed for people affected by sight loss across Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. It's a user-led online network which we hope will allow people to connect more easily, engage with each other and share information, advice and guidance, reducing social isolation. To sign up visit http://vistablindhub.org.uk
Thanks to HSBC for their donation which made this possible.
Work.Live.Leicestershire’s sunflower challenge
Work.Live.Leicestershire which Vista lead on launched a sunflower challenge to help everyone find light relief during these unprecedented times.
Leicester Ageing Together put together a Distant Socialising challenge
The Leicester Ageing Together team came up with daily challenges to keep spirits up in the current situation.
Tour De Vista
Chris, one of the people we support was inspired by the 2.6 challenge and asked everyone to join him in cycling 87 miles virtually during the week of 27th July - 31st July 2020. The route covered all of the Vista charity shops and care homes and started at head office.
Tech Talk and Tea Sessions
Our Digital Vision Service decided to turn their Tech Talk and Tea sessions virtual! The team have hosted regular meetings via Zoom to help support people with sight loss to use technology.
National Eye Health Week
To celebrate National Eye Health Week and raise awareness of the importance of eye health and regular screening, Vista partnered with the Stoneygate Eye Hospital to provide a series of information videos on some of the most common eye health conditions.