Vista recruitment day a great success

On Friday, 30th August, Vista opened their doors for their recruitment fayre, with more than 30 people being interviewed throughout the day.
The banners were up, the posters displayed, the managers preened and prepared with questions. Vista was ready for their first recruitment day at their City Centre head office. It was a very well attended event, with people both pre-booking interviews and walking in off New Walk to talk to us, and by the time the doors closed at 5:30pm, we have seen over 30 people and offered 9 people jobs.
The purpose of the recruitment fayre was to get staff for our four residential homes across Leicester, and the home managers were very pleased with the quality and number of applicants. Steven Briggs, HR assistant who was present at the whole day, said “We are really pleased with how the day has gone. This has been our most successful recruitment fayre that I’ve been involved with, and the fact we’ve been able to offer 9 people a job is testament to that.”